Marcel Duchamp: a system of paradox in resonance.
The man inspires the highest regard (often the love) of those
who know him; the public so often regards his work as anathema. He ranks with the
greatest artists of the century without any conscious concern for either
greatness or specifically being an artist. None of his peers has produced or
exhibited as little as he to achieve such stature. He is "a merchant of wit" who's
major works are as complex as any produced in the time. It has been said: Duchamp shows it hard, but in the easiest way.
The paradox of this characterization
resolves in a word (and a pun): an-artist. Being neither "anti" nor "pro" art, he has directly and indirectly further the development of many colleagues and modern art in general, participating in movements without the need to join, warning that art
can be "a habit-forming drug," and cautioning that removed from the glare and
noise of today's vast art world, vital activities will go on "underground." The
gentleman is truly an-artist.
As to Duchamp's achievement ("greatness"), let it be
enough to say that in spite of all (and intentions, even) the depth and meaning in
his work continues to unfold and seems increasingly pertinent. In his pioneering, particularly that of object art with its marriage of "things" and "linguistic
concepts," he has registered an incredible number of "patents."
Walter Hopps
[Single page document found in Norton Simon Museum archives on MD's 1963 retrospective, by or of Marcel Duchamp or Rrose Selavy; n.d.
Photograph by Julian Wasser; © Copyright by Julian Wasser.